What to Expect?
For many, it is not easy to speak with a mental health provider. Dr. Ho recognizes this and works to ensure your comfort and trust in any treatment for any reason. If, at any time, you are uncomfortable or unhappy please inform Dr. Ho.
For your first appointment, you will meet Dr. Ho to share details about your present and past. In many cases, by the end of your first appointment, there will be an opportunity to discuss a treatment plan. In some cases, more than one appointment may be needed before a comprehensive treatment plan can be recommended.
For subsequent appointments, we continue to work together to strive to the goals of your treatment plan.
Means to achieve success in the treatment include behavioral measures (including but not exclusive to psychotherapy, diet modifications, exercise, acupuncture, and massage), homeopathic measures, and when needed medication management.
Reproductive Psychiatry
Change can be hard. Having a child is a huge change. As momentous as it can be, the perinatal period (period of pregnancy and postpartum) is not always a happy time as society wants us to believe. There are times when a woman can feel distressingly high levels of anxiety and sadness to the point she is unable to care for herself or focus in her daily life. For a woman who might be experiencing this and has already delivered a child, these feelings can manifest in wanting to run away, being unable to care for herself and her infant, and having difficulty connecting with the infant. Extreme thoughts can also occur, such as not wanting the baby, harming the baby or herself, and feeling like others are trying to harm her and her family.